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Robert Watcher

Well-known member



I admit…

… ON1 Photo Raw is very frustrating at times - mostly related to my impatience and the heavy demand on resources that it places on my computer ——- but it has sooooo much potential and value to me ——- and gets me to the end result that I love as an artist. Thankfully I have 4 million images on my hard drives to play with and make use of the software to take them in different directions than I have before.
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

What I especially like is your craft to make the main subject 3 dimensional. That’s so valuable when you declare that rank is important.

This is so well done in these two!


I wonder if the telephone itself can be made more important? What do you think?

These pipes are especially well rendered, I love how they command our attention!

Are these technique you used for decades in wedding photography or you acquired in your tours in South America where you perfected your street photography where buildings and wall texture became so magnetic and demanding of attention?

