Jerome Marot
Well-known member
The driving part of this discussion is predicated on a presumed common impressions, belief and understanding that:
- The Photograph of the Blue Marble is a simple metaphor that powerfully evokes a sense of wonderment and a realization of our fragility, accountability and responsibility for the state of this biosphere.
- There are great risks in unfettered damage to rivers, land, air and their resources.
- The planet does not have infinite ability to protect and heal itself.
- Science and rational discourse offers a way of enriching our lives and protecting our precious heritage of this unique planet.
- Closed minds and dogmatic rejection of science, hinders our chances of making life on this fragile planet sustainable.
- Recent history shows minds can be repopulated with more civilized memes but we are not at all skilled in finding peaceful ways of doing that effectively on a wide scale.
If we look around the world, doubtless the blocked-minded state of societies will be discovered widespread. Studying the advances in thinking in West Germany, especially, made in the post-war years would be insightful. In no nation in modern times has such a convincingly deep soul-searching mass change occurred.
I would love to see a comparison with the "guides to thought" in France and Belgium, (which were on the victor's side) or Austria, (which still claims "victim" status since World War II). Did they evolve too or are they actually stuck with the memes that were present at the turn of the 20th Century. I suspect that there has been some progress but would hazard a guess that no one advanced as much as the German people, especially from the West. (The Eastern part of Germany is too far off my experience that I have no opinion of it. They were not vanquished and then liberated, but rather vanquished and raped until fatigue set in.)
If the economy in the USA were to improve substantially, then weakening of fear-based cohesion of the right wing might allow the folk to be educated and less xenophobic and less driven to convert everyone else and join their path to salvation.
So, how do you view my postulate of the common existence of bubbles of delusion and dogma outside of the USA? Do you agree that the Germans are transformed compared to say the Austrians or the French perhaps?
Asher, this is so wrong that I don't know how to start. In a different thread, you suggested that some things are best discussed around a bottle of good wine. I'll offer the wine (or tea for the members whose religion does not allow alcoholic beverages... strange for a culture who discovered how to distillate the stuff as the name starting with "al" shows... but I digress). I'll just say that, roughly, the average German produces as much carbon dioxide as the average French or Austrian.