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The Business of Photography

Kathy Rappaport

pro member
I am one of those people who is very passionate about everything that I do. When I graduated from High School, I took a year off before starting college and took a job in Banking. I loved it and in two years worked my way into management - before women were in managerial jobs. I was only 19 and had a staff of 12. Not bad. 20 years later, I left and started a new business from scratch and went back to school and opened a Tax and Business Management firm. Now, another 15 years later, the passion I have is for photography, something I have done for 30 years for fun, seriously for the last 5 years and the entrepreneur that I have become says that I want to do that for a living. I've been working hard, studying, shooting and I have the capital required to have the right tools to do the job. My business background has taught me about finance, taxes, marketing and I have the people skills too. I have developed both my right and left brain and can balance both. Actually, I really love the business side of business. Talking about growing a business and marketign and networking, keeping it all straight and within the "right" parameters of legalities with paperwork, workflow, managing funds and cash flow -dealing with the customers and vendors - all that is fun for me. If you ever want to chat about the technicality of running a business, I am game. I even asked Asher to start a forum to do just that. I can talk about types of entities, taxes and all the rest. About 6 months ago, I formed a Corporation and trademarked my business name for my brand. I am working on the business plan, but, I am set to rock and roll! It's much, much more than just printing business cards and hanging up a shingle.

Yesterday, I met with some wedding photographers who are looking to bring another photographer into their team. I have everything they want *except* a portfolio with some wedding photos that I have created. Thankfully, in 8 weeks, I will have a wedding under my belt. I am going to WPPI in Las Vegas in a few weeks to do more exploring and classes. Tomorrow, I am meeting another local photographer and helping set up his web site so I am hoping he will want an assistant (for free even) in exchange for some images for my portfolio.

So what I am looking for here are two things: .

1. What are you doing in your business? What do you want help with - Marketing, Accounting, Funding, Structure?
2. How'd you get started? Who mentored you and lent you a hand to reach your goals?

Let's Chat!

Paul Bestwick

pro member
why not plan a trip over to OZ & I will take you out on a couple of weddings........Aussie style of wedding photography is very cool



Kathy Rappaport

pro member
Well, OZ is on the travel list

Well, Paul, heading Down Under is on the travel list but not for a couple of years. I would be thrilled to help out! I won a trip (cruise) to Istanbul, Turkey and Greece this summer (in a charity raffle!) so that's next for a travel adventure..