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Robert Watcher

Well-known member
My wall print of the Toronto skyline came to life this evening, as the low setting sun shining through our front window, appeared to light up the CN Tower as well as all the individual lights in the high rise windows. Not sure if the print being made on metallic paper contributed to the effect or not —- but it certainly caught our eye for a few moments. These photos don’t truly represent how it appeared to our eyes,



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Is the lighting effect with just geometric correction, (and less border), easier to appreciate!

I emailed you a rectilinear version with no light corrections! I like the effect, but also the picture start out capturing our attention anyway!


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
These pics were just a quiet grab with my phone under the low light of the room. The effect is far more enjoyable viewing in person LOL. Nothing serious. That’s why I posted in under Layback Cafe. 👍🏻

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
These pics were just a quiet grab with my phone under the low light of the room. The effect is far more enjoyable viewing in person LOL. Nothing serious. That’s why I posted in under Layback Cafe. 👍🏻
The original picture is a delight by itself and it would be a treat if you could also post the image from a jpg here so we can enjoy its native state too!


Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I don’t have that file handy. I printed that 40” wall print a while ago after taking the pics during our stay in Toronto for our wedding anniversary . The closest that I have readily available is this one that I took from the same location, at a different time of day before the city lights were visible. A totally different mood.


These images were taken with a 600mm focal length at high ISO, from 4.2KM (2-1/2 miles) away, with a relatively inexpensive Olympus 75-300mm zoom lens.

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