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Theme Challenge: Really Impressive Horse Pictures

John Detraz

New member
Working Horses Photo


I'm not sure what has happened I thought I replaced the previous picture with the correct picture 800 x 533 yet isn't displayed, so I'll try it again

John Detraz

New member
Working Horses Cropped


I cropped the grass like Don suggested and also retouched the colors a bit.
Last edited:

Meagan Rivard

New member
Old thread, New pics

I snapped these while I was in Wyoming last summer. Have always wanted to share them with a few people that would enjoy them as much as I do.




This old man broke my heart. He was all alone and beat to hades but still had a "proud" presence to him.


It makes me sad that this picture couldn't capture everything. The two horses fighting in the center was actually 2 stallions fighting over their mares. I couldn't get the darker stallions family included due to lens size.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I snapped these while I was in Wyoming last summer. Have always wanted to share them with a few people that would enjoy them as much as I do.



I so enjoy having these beautiful animals galloping past. I only wish I could have the same opportunity and catch the dust clouds around their hooves. So You'll have to treat us!

Thanks in advance.

BTW, what camera and lenses do you like to use for photography of horses?

I enjoyed these images as well - that first one especially. It seems to portray something very 'regal' about these animals.

Meagan Rivard

New member
Thank y'all so much for the compliments. They mean more than you know.

Asher, believe it or not, I was using the cheapest point-and-shoot Nikon camera that wal-mart offers. LOL I live in Texas, so not sure when I'll be able to go back with a "good" camera, but I am sure gonna try.

Don, I'm not sure how much you know about horses so forgive me if I come across as a know it all, that is NOT my intention. The first picture was of the Bell mare of the herd, or in layman's terms she was the Queen. Most people mistakenly think that Stallions rule the roost in a herd of horses when it is actually a mare. Stallions are there for protection and breeding. The Bell mare is the one who makes 99% of the decisions, and I was able to witness that for myself. Everyone moved around/with her. She never stopped watching me and any time that she moved away from me, so did everyone else. If you look at the picture of the stallions fighting you can see her head dead center of the pack staring straight at ME. I have been around horses since I was born, but this was the first time that I had ever been able to experience something as moving as watching those horses. I was amazed and shocked that I was able to get as close as I did. Maybe it was because I have studied equine body language and psychology all my life. When the two stud horses started their fight I was only about 50 yards from them. It was breathtaking, and terrifying at the same time.

Again, thank y'all so much for the compliments. It means more than you can possibly know.

Meagan Rivard

New member
BTW, what camera and lenses do you like to use for photography of horses?


I missed this in my first reply. I just bought my first "nice" DLSR which is a Nikon D3000. I only have the stock lens right now. Sorry that I can't give you any hints. I will let you know when I figure it out for myself. I can give you some hints on how to get a good horse picture though if you'd like?

Meagan Rivard

New member
I had those other pictures readily available. I had to go searching for these today and finally found them. They don't grab me like the others do, but I am still proud of them.





For some reason, photobucket is acting screwy and not uploading the last picture in the same quality as what's on my computer. It's dull here, where as I played with it my editing a little and was able to really pop color... I dunno what's going on...