Asher Kelman
OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Birmingham is an industrial City north of London famous for its Orchestra with rising levels in a horseshoe shape!
Furthermore, the sound of each instrument freely radiates, no longer obstructed and dampened by clothing of musicians in front.
This command positioning of instruments in free air space optimizes the acoustics of the concert hall.
Now to another call to game from Birmingham! This time in medicine:
An old woman, Mother Hutton”, wise in healing with herbs, brought potion-brewed from the foxglove plant to treat heart failure to Dr William Witheging.
That passing of an ancient remedy, (once polished by purifying the drug and learning to measure the correct dosage), revolutionized medicine to become the foundation for treatment of congestive cardiac failure with digitalis!
]When I was in Nigeria, I had the fascinating experience where a witchdoctor treated a patient with “jumping neck veins” with the juice of a flowering vine that grew around palm trees! I think that was also a digitalis drug!]
Allegedly, Withering first learned of the use of digitalis in treating "dropsy" (œdema) from "Mother Hutton", an old woman who practised as a folk herbalist in Shropshire, who used the plant as part of a polyherbal formulation containing over 20 different ingredients to successfully treat this condition.[13][14][15] Withering deduced that digitalis was the active ingredient in the formulation, and over the ensuing nine years he carefully tried out different preparations of various parts of the plant (collected in different seasons) documenting 156 cases where he had employed digitalis, and describing the effects and the best - and safest - way of using it. At least one of these cases was a patient for whom Erasmus Darwin had asked Withering for his second opinion. In January 1785 Darwin submitted a paper entitled "An Account of the Successful Use of Foxglove in Some Dropsies and in Pulmonary Consumption" to the College of Physicians in London;[16]
In the University, chemists put together the science of replacement fluids for person involved with trauma, burns, crush injuries war and allowed surgery to proceed despite loss of blood.(Wikipedia)
Other scientists did primary work on design of potential nuclear explosive device and contributed to the dawn of the nuclear age.