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Warning! Beware of This: What if Smugmug, Flickr, Google, Apple or Photobucket and the like cancels your account without notice

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Of course we have backups!

.......Right! ?

But what recourse does one have when a huge company tells you that

“We regret to have to inform you that this morning untoward non-allowable material was being stored under your account. Since we have zero tolerance policy for using our servers for purposes not in line with our corporate values, your account has been cancelled and your files are irretrievable”

What rights do we have for such paid services? My expectation would be that they would have to show cause and allow an appeal!

James Lemon

Well-known member
Of course we have backups!

.......Right! ?

But what recourse does one have when a huge company tells you that

“We regret to have to inform you that this morning untoward non-allowable material was being stored under your account. Since we have zero tolerance policy for using our servers for purposes not in line with our corporate values, your account has been cancelled and your files are irretrievable”

What rights do we have for such paid services? My expectation would be that they would have to show cause and allow an appeal!

Anyone who believes that cloud storage is a back up for your stuff is seriously deluded.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

1. What about AWS where the data is on the continents in duplicate?

2. What rights does one have?


James Lemon

Well-known member
Anyone who believes the data is safe at home never saw a house burn.
Anyone who believes the data is safe at home never saw a house burn.

Never said any such thing Jerome. Fire proof safes are nothing new. and neither are fire suppression systems in your home. Its not a big cost for the extra plumbing. Although a halon gas system would be expensive for an electrical fire.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Never said any such thing Jerome. Fire proof safes are nothing new. and neither are fire suppression systems in your home. Its not a big cost for the extra plumbing. Although a halon gas system would be expensive for an electrical fire.

Isn’t it clumsy and rather impractical to access one data inside a save without a cooling system and a fireproof way of accessing the data real time.

For Amazon Web Systems your data can be in duplicate and triplicate on 3 continents for an affordable price, all encrypted and available real time, 24/7/365. Its fire proof, tsunamis proof and everything except existentially final extrastellar object collision to earth proof.

In what way does a safe replace that?

Besides, I spoke to a law firm who’s “fireproof” safes survived but the plastic data didn’t!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
But what I would like to know is this. Are there consumer protection laws that force data/image storage companies to give due warning before deleting data and cutting of one’s access. Or are pornographers and such decency laws taking precedence over due process


James Lemon

Well-known member

1. What about AWS where the data is on the continents in duplicate?

2. What rights does one have?

Gee I don't know Asher its a good question. Its like having a financial adviser telling that you don't need to worry about risking your hard earned money "we will do it for you". Ever thought of the complex cooling systems these large servers have? I think there are better alternatives available for individuals who need storage rather than have your private information sold to the highest bidder.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Gee I don't know Asher its a good question. Its like having a financial adviser telling that you don't need to worry about risking your hard earned money "we will do it for you". Ever thought of the complex cooling systems these large servers have? I think there are better alternatives available for individuals who need storage rather than have your private information sold to the highest bidder.
My son sort of works for AWS. So I know a little bit!

The redundancy is as bullet proof as one can be!

Live BIT-checking, datasums and repair! Totally scalable, even drones with cooled datacenters to take over after disasters for major cities!

So you want him to be out of a job and for me to have to sell my cameras to support him, his beautiful, wife, lose his guest tickets to Le Mans and the speedways going on right now in Canada and every major league game anywhere?

Be realistic, we have to push AWS!


James Lemon

Well-known member
My son sort of works for AWS. So I know a little bit!

The redundancy is as bullet proof as one can be!

Live BIT-checking, datasums and repair! Totally scalable, even drones with cooled datacenters to take over after disasters for major cities!

So you want him to be out of a job and for me to have to sell my cameras to support him, his beautiful, wife, lose his guest tickets to Le Mans and the speedways going on right now in Canada and every major league game anywhere?

Be realistic, we have to push AWS!


Do they all have back doors to the NSA? Huawei said no back in 2014. Guess its better than having a foreign entity spying on you. What do you think?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Do they all have back doors to the NSA? Huawei said no back in 2014. Guess its better than having a foreign entity spying on you. What do you think?
Well, the Intel chips are designed in Israel! Go figger! ?

Note: I am allowed to say that, haha!