Art is an human experience. It must by necessity get the cultural stamp of each society.
My knowledge of the Muslim world is limited to the glory of the Ottoman empire and the fine tiles, marble, architecture, poetry and illustrated manuscripts the tourist can readily see. I have no experience of any art galleries in muslim lands but have seen exhibitions of modern Arab art in London.
So, for me, at least, this an area for learning!
Asher, my knowledge of European art is even more limited than yours is of art in various other cultures.
But that does preclude both of us enjoying the art in and from different cultures; you might not like Turner, while I might be averse to Goya..but we both might enjoy Constable.
You have taken the time to study e.g Ottoman culture and its effects. How many others can say that?
I might have taken the time to study Vermeer, but not many of my friends have. But I know they appreciate the art that is in the Louvre.
It is only when someone takes a myopic and jaundiced view of other cultures ( or knows nothing of it except what is derived from a few sources..correct or not ) and make pronouncements to be taken as the definitive saying..that I have an issue with.
Soul. . Its history, its origins. The writings of Martin Luther King Jr., the music, the culture is born out of
a certain set of circumstances. Then someone steps up and tells me, with a pretense of authority, the music is good to dance to!! It is only art because it is politically correct.What a travesty to the soul of soul.
That is what I take issue with.
At least there are those, like yourself, who have the courage and humility to appreciate that which is
different. Honestly, how many, including me, know about Chinese art. Oh see the Ming vase, or the Terracota warriors on display at the British Museum. Is that it? And we are experts on Chinese art and can define art from the Chinese perspective? China..a significant population of this earth, and we want to be presumptuous and say this is the definition of art, for you, you, you and those who were before and those who shall follow. Our definition. And no we do not speak Mandarin, we have no need to.
That is what I take issue with. I will never say that in Europe there is no art. That would be stupid. I also say, and know by efforts made on my own time and expense, that there is all of humanity that too has art in various and different forms. I love the diversity of the human race. I love the diversity of its art forms. Being ignorant of other art forms is not an excuse to exclude those from any discussion of art.