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Who has ever used a Rangefinder and where is it?

Don Lashier

New member
Scott B. Hughes said:
Don, does the 2450 produce scans that print well?
Scott, I've got no complaints, but then the 2450 is the only device I've ever owned that would scan larger than 35mm so have no basis for comparision. It's of course discontinued now but replaced with a newer model. However my experience with newer flatbeds is that you don't get much improvement re IQ with the more expensive models so buy the cheapest one. The only problem is that the cheapest models only will handle 35mm so you need to at least step up to a model that has proper film holders for the size you want. When I get a chance I'll post a 6x6 or 4x5 that you can examine.

- DL

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Don Lashier said:
The only problem is that the cheapest models only will handle 35mm so you need to at least step up to a model that has proper film holders for the size you want. When I get a chance I'll post a 6x6 or 4x5 that you can examine.

- DL


You are referring to flatbed scanners? Usually the transparency can be pretty big.


Don Lashier

New member
Asher Kelman said:

You are referring to flatbed scanners? Usually the transparency can be pretty big.

Yes, but to do it right you need a unit with a top light and film holder and although some very inexpensive ones come with this now they'll only hold 35mm like the Canoscan 4200F I currently own. It scans slides as well or better than my much more expensive epson but won't handle 2-1/4 or 4x5.

- DL