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Winter Jasmine - Jasminum Nudiflorum in reflected ultraviolet photography and simulated bee and butterfly vision

Dr Klaus Schmitt

Well-known member

Quadriptych of human vision, ultraviolet, simulated butterfly and bee vision (left to right, top to bottom)

December 2024 I made shots of a beautiful winter flower, a Winter Jasmine - Jasminum nudiflorum in reflected ultraviolet photography using my "work horse" UV filter, the Baader-U filter, as well as in simulated bee and butterfly vision using my propriatary XBV filters. All shots were done at f11. Lens was a UV-Nikkor 105mm quartz fluorite lens. Light source was a modified Xenon flash.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I an uplifted by this new quadriptych. The flower is so appealing.

I am so happy to have human vision but I wouldn’t mind being a butterfly except for the short life span and inability to cuddle at night when it’s chilly!

1. What modifications are needed of the Xenon flash?

2. For humans with sensitivity to light polarization, how might that vision be changed?
