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X-Ray Film, Has anyone here developed it?


Deleted member 55

I have a 100 sheet box of 11x14 Konica Minolta Physicians Choice PPG Xray film.

I was thinking to use it in my Century 11x14 camera that I got by accident. (was told it was a 8x10)

The MFGR site says this:

Physicians Choice Films are compatible with all major chemistries, and are designed for automatic and hand processing cycles.

Type PPG is a high contrast, green sensitive, orthochromatic medical imaging film. Designed for 90-second processing, PPG can also be manually processed.
Any info would be most helpful.
IAny info would be most helpful.

FWIW, Kodak D19 (or similar formulations) was sometimes used for manual processing of X-Ray film in remote locations without electricity (e.g. Africa). Otherwise you can check with a Dental depot in your area, they may have either ready-to-use or concentrated solutions available, and a suggestion how long to process at low temperatures. If you know a veterinarian, or a animal university clinic, they might be willing to feed the film through their processor, it only takes 90 seconds then.

Also, the film you described has a lightsensitive emulsion on both sides of the film, so handle with care (at least you don't have to worry about which side the emulsion is, without notches to guide you).


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

The film is only sensitive to blue light so you can develop it in red light and see how it is going. Use Dektol 2:1 and add a pinch of sodium hydroxide to a gallon of Dektol.

The speed is approx 1-3 ISO!!!!!!!!
