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Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Yellowstone Eagles

Steve Robinson

New member
A few eagles and ravens were feasting on the elk dinner when the coyotes and wolf were not around. 100% crops from a K20D. I definitely need a little more than 300mm.

Eagle flying in.

Eagle approaches.

Coyote watching eagles feasting.

Golden eagle.

fahim mohammed

Well-known member
Steve, it is a scene very rarely seen; that you have tried to capture. I find myself distracted by the
other elements of the composition to focus on the subject. As you correctly suggest, maybe a 300mm
would have isolated the theme better.

Well seen.

Steve Robinson

New member
Thanks Fahim for your comment. I actually shot these at 300mm but the subjects were 400m away. Still I was happy to capture some of the action around this wolf kill. Pentax made a 250-600mm zoom for awhile and that would be perfect for this kind of photography as long as you could find someone to carry it for you.