I tried getting a blue whale into the fish tank so I could find out what it thought.
No luck.
Whales don’t talk my language. It just squeaked a lot.
The goldfish objected somewhat but soon forgot about it.
Is that why we can put sardines in small tins?
It’s sad that you, Tom, joke but this is unacceptable.
So I take your bait!
Could be that you had the same schooling as Donald Trump and have zero interest in the fate of the planet. But I doubt that!
Rather, you seem to be the fellow who struts, (not by having something showy like a Lamborghini), but by posing as disinterested in matters polite folk think about as critical for humanity.
I cannot know your heart and mind, but I would bet you want these magnificent cetacean creatures to survive. I don’t think you really are disinterested in whether or not these animals suffer.
Most whales cannot flex the cervical spine as it’s naturally fused.,This means that they need 199 times the space to make other sea mammals comfortable and the exhibition tanks are very limited in size.
Furthermore, whales of any species are self divided into isolated long term family units in different parts of the oceans and putting differently sourced animals together by ignorant exhibitors has led to deaths of these massive but intelligent mammals!
Tom, you may joke, but despite your carefully cultivated flippant attitude, you are not as heartless as you try to portray.
If you can treasure your daughter, it will not harm your “street cred” to show equal compassion for the creatures children admire and value, without your obnoxious reserve, pretend or not!
Part of your “swagger” is to be this close to the backwoods dismisser and cynic to civilized values. But beyond your penchant for rudeness, which is inescapably obvious, my reading is that you are one of the brightest, aware and articulate fellows I would trust with care of these creatures of the wild!
You just like your invective, sparring wit and appearance as a Darwin-outbacker with much more insight to life than the self-indulged, spoiled, Bordeaux-wine-sniffing elites, who frequent art shows and salons of poetry in the big cities!