• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. P

    Carpella innotata

  2. P

    Oxydia geminata

  3. P

    Sericoptera mahometaria

  4. P

    Opisthoxia phrynearia

  5. P

    No ID

    For investigative readers try to find out what this is. It has stumped several experts.
  6. P

    Hammaptera ignifera

    A flying carpet
  7. P

    Hypercompe laeta

  8. P

    Euglyphis sp.

    But which one?
  9. P

    Fuzzy Wuzzy

    Possibly a Euglyphis sp.
  10. P

    Dot-lined White

    Or Artace cribrarius is a moth commonly reported from the US East coast but this appears to be the only reported sighting of it from Colombia according to iNaturalist
  11. P

    An Unusual Moth

    Megaphysa herbiferalis from Colombia and Ecuador
  12. P

    Opisthoxia lineata

    This species appears to be rather unreported.
  13. P

    Cerodirphia mota

  14. P

    Snazzy Moth

  15. P

    Thoscora acca

  16. P

    Who Knew...

    ...that moths can be psychedelic.
  17. P

    A Special Moth

    According to a Colombian student of Lepidoptera this moth is identified as Eucereon albinota. It was first identified (8 kilometers from my home) in 1910 by Paul Dognin, a French entomologist whose collections are now in the National Museum of History in Washington DC. The identifier of my photo...
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    Tricky Tricky

    Look like a dangerous wasp when you're really just an inoffensive moth.
  19. P

    A Moth

  20. P

    Red In Tooth And Claw

    This is a special moth. Only 24 have been collected in Colombia and two in Ecuador. Human intervention in nature so often produced sad results. After photographing this moth having coaxed it onto a leaf I then moved it to nearby shrubbery where it would be hidden from predators. The little...