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spring flowers

  1. Asher Kelman

    Celebrate Spring!

    Unknown Photographer: Field of Mustard
  2. Asher Kelman

    Challenge for Pictures in a Series: Motif or Concept Spring blooms in a composition!

    I love the surprises of bulbs sprouting and presenting spring blooms. These are “Paper Whites”, seemingly like tiny clusters of narcissus flowers, but without the purple and yellow centers. Asher Kelman: “Paper-whites” Add yours here too! Asher
  3. Robert Watcher

    Confinement Photography Tonight

    Looking around the property for lone flowers
  4. Robert Watcher


    I didn’t want to go outside and roll around the cold damp grass this morning - but Anne told me I wouldn’t get lunch unless I got out of the trailer LOL. Tiny spring crocus and snowdrops were opened up everywhere to the warm sun. It gave me a chance to use my macro lens find from last year -...
  5. Asher Kelman


    Asher Kelman: Tulips in Prison Tulips are coming out! I love both Wolfgang Plattner’s and Maggie Terlecki’s flowers as the stems lean over graciously. Asher Kelman: “Tulips to Show Roots” These are in a special glass container to show off the roots too and the plants are constrained and...