• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

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    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. Robert Watcher

    Sunset Farmer

    On our drive home last night, it took me a few minutes to put two and two together. In a untreed area along the road, I noticed a tractor working a field, but it was hard to make out many details. Along the North/south drive I had noticed the sun low in the sky to my right, adding some drama to...
  2. Asher Kelman

    Dusk Skies in Los Angeles

    It was late! I visited my son, but could hardly leave the street. as I was mesmerized by the sky! Asher Kelman: “Dusk, Visiting My Son”
  3. Doug Kerr

    A sunset optical iliusion

    In this image shot by Carla's son Larry from his favorite vantage point here in Alamogordo, N.N (the parking lot of the Walmart Neighborhood Market): Lawrence R. Henry: Sunset optical illusion Edited by Douglas A. Kerr one is tempted tho think that the lower edge of the bright area is the...
  4. P

    Show us your best sunsets….

    Let’s see your best sunset pictures. 2011 Las Piñas-Parañaque Critical Habitat by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr
  5. D

    Crescent moon sunset with palm trees

  6. Robert Watcher

    Sunset Silhoutte

  7. Robert Watcher

    Lake Huron Sunset

    A unique cloud cover as the sun was setting tonight Anne took a pic of me from behind without me knowing
  8. Robert Watcher

    Painting the skies with Livecomp

    Painting the skies with Livecomp (a feature unique to all Olympus micro four-thirds cameras). E-M10 w/14-42 kit lens - 100ISO with 3 to 10 minute exposures. Wirelessly transferred to iPad and processed with Snapseed app.
  9. Chris Calohan

    Sunset 11-5

  10. Robert Watcher

    Lone Bird at Sunset

    Lone Bird at Sunset
  11. Chris Calohan

    A Rainy Night in Florida

  12. Robert Watcher

    Sunset - Moonrise

    Looking to the west, the sun sunk below the horizon around 8:16pm. Turning 180 degrees and waiting until around 9:00pm, the Blue/Sturgeon moon rose from the East - following Saturn, then Jupiter. Neptune followed in the arc, but was not visible to the human eye.
  13. Chris Calohan

    After the Sun Sets B&W

  14. Robert Watcher

    Secluded Beach

    A few pics from one location along a river bank, with my camera pointed to the west, were a few stragglers wandered back and forth on a sand causeway where the river flows into Lake Huron. I used two lenses with zoom ranges 22mm (35mm equivalent) to 600mm (35mm equivalent)
  15. R

    Sunset over Middleton Moor

  16. Asher Kelman

    Shadows on the back of a girl

    At a restaurant last night people were celebrating access to many restaurants. I noticed that back of one diner shadows from the string sun! Asher Kelman: “Girl with Blue-Jeans” Asher
  17. Robert Watcher

    Sun just before heading below the horizon

    Sun just before heading below the horizon. Anne and drove to lonely spot on a hill overlooking the lake this evening. I took along my newly delivered Olympus EM1 mkii to familiarize myself with while sitting on a bench with frozen fingers. This pic is shot with a 600mm equivalent lens...
  18. M

    The first sunsh-t of 2021…

    Yes, I said “sunsh-t” because this is a sorry mess. Welcome to the new year! May you find an unspoiled landscape to photograph. This was in the LA area.
  19. M

    Winter window sunsets

    A few views out the window this week. Don't know what I’d do without this western view during lockdown!