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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. M

    Winter window sunsets

    A few views out the window this week. Don't know what I’d do without this western view during lockdown!
  2. M

    If humans were in charge of sunsets...

    ...you'd get this (tonight in LA). Part of my Covid-Capture series (out the bedroom window!).
  3. Chris Calohan


  4. M

    Geometric Chicken-Foot Sunset

    The tree trimmers came by earlier in the week and improved my west-facing LA-area lockdown peephole view of the world. Thursday evening, I peeked out to catch the sunset and was greeted with some large chicken foot and other geometric shapes. I think there’s a sunset buried in here somewhere...
  5. Chris Calohan

    October Skies

  6. Chris Calohan

    Triple Sons of One Mother

    Five Shot Pano
  7. Chris Calohan

    The Half's and Half Nots

  8. Robert Watcher

    Marina after sun down

    20 minutes from where we are staying, are beach, port and marina areas along Lake Huron. While taking this shot after sundown, a couple of boats came in to dock. They became a blur because of my use of 100ISO and long exposure to smooth out the water. I then decided to try my favourite Olympus...
  9. Chris Calohan

    A Long Day's Journey Into the Night

  10. Chris Calohan

    Twists and Turns

    Funny that you suggested a series, Asher...
  11. Chris Calohan

    Sunset 245

  12. Robert Watcher

    Kayaking at Sunset

    Kayaking at Sunset
  13. Chris Calohan

    Saharan Sunset

  14. Chris Calohan

    Once Again, the Sky Did Not Disappoint

    Three Shot Pano, f/22, ISO 32, 6 Sec
  15. Chris Calohan

    Vulcan Has Spoken

    Vulcan Has Spoken 4 shot pano ISO 31, f/22, 5 sec
  16. Chris Calohan

    Sheltering in Place

    Can be boring, but then again....
  17. Asher Kelman

    A shot out the window before dinner!

    Yes, I sinned, this is with my iPhone XS Max junky toy camera, but I was lazy: Asher Kelman: “Guardian Trees!” Asher
  18. Dr Klaus Schmitt

    Taj Mahal

    from a recent business trip to India...
  19. Chris Calohan

    Silky Smooth Sunset

    I used the multiple exposure feature on the D810 - 10 frames, ISO 50, f/22, 4"