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travel photography

  1. K

    Visiting Egypt - Looking for advices!

    Hello everyone, I am beginning to plan a trip to Egypt in October and wanted to get some suggestions on places to visit and things to do from those of you who have already traveled there. My itinerary is still quite flexible. What are some top places for excellent photography, including iconic...
  2. Robert Watcher

    Cruising the canals

    Cruising the canals
  3. Robert Watcher

    Tried a different method for self portrait - and it works

    Tried a different method for self portrait - and it works I regularly set my camera on a tripod, table, or whatever is handy —- to take portraits of Anne and I, or of groups that include the two of us. I just set the camera on the 12 second timer and head into my predetermined spot in the shot...
  4. Robert Watcher

    Mennonite Country

    Mennonite Country
  5. Antonio Correia

    Some photographs from Kenya

  6. T

    Favorite Travel Photos

    Some of my favorite travel photos. Walton Lighthouse, Santa Cruz, California. San Francisco Skyline photographed from Tiburon, California. Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California. Pinnacles National Park, Central California.
  7. Tim Rucci

    Where Am I ? Does anyone recognize this place?

    Where am I? Please be specific ific...
  8. Robert Watcher

    Red on the Terrace

    Red on the Terrace - Olympus E-M10 w/14-42mm kit lens
  9. Robert Watcher


    I haven’t used the macro lens (35mm Olympus) that I got when I was home In Canada a few months ago. Haven’t found bugs or a way to get them still at 1/2 inch from the lens, and I’m realizing that it is hard and takes a lot of patience and controlled environments. I grabbed a camera with the...
  10. Robert Watcher

    El Salvador is Beautiful

    Such a satisfying day yesterday. Views of the large man-made Lake Suchitlán (mostly green from water hyacinths) wrapped around the scenic cobblestone city of Suchitoto, to the north east of San Salvador. Olympus E-M10 w/14-42 kit lens and 75-300 m4/3 lens - wireless transfer to iPad, processed...
  11. Robert Watcher

    The Beauty of Nicaragua’s Volcanos

    Anne and I are infatuated with volcanos - having lived beside them and visited several now in 4 different countries in Central America. A bit over a month ago I captured these banner (pano-style) images for a client —- of one the most easily accessible, but most active volcanos in Nicaragua.
  12. Robert Watcher

    Seaside and Beach

    Anne & I were able to return to Nicaragua for a week, last month. We felt so at home from living there for four years. Spent an evening in San Juan del Sur in the southern part of the country close to Costa Rica.