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Mennonite Country

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
Mennonite Country




Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
These are classic iconic images, Robert! Thanks so much for bringing us such captivating and precious images!

I do not know much about the Mennonites but will now have to study up on them!

I have the idea that they are a self-isolated Christian sect, like the Amish.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Having now read much about the Mennonites and many related sects, I am so impressed that their pacifism seems to me, as one who admires the writings about the New Testament Jesus, that they best represent my concept of the direction such a figure would guide us.

Critical is the unlinking the power connection between religion and state.

To the State that’s a dilemma as the point of organized religion is to be the main cost-saving power instrument of the State.

After all, with one State-supported Priest in each village, nurturing the fear of God in folk, what needs soldiers for that village to “keep the peace”?
