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A (re)introduction!

Andrew Stannard

pro member

Coming back to this forum after having been away for perhaps 6 or 7 years! Life has been busy with family growing up and work, but I have kept my interest in photography in the background - mainly taking family photos and landscapes whilst out and about. Dedicated photography trips have perhaps been a bit thin on the ground over the last few years though, but as the kids begin to find their own way in life I am now starting to have some more free time.

Hope to become a regular on the forum again, and at least I have several years worth of images to look at sharing! Have been shooting exclusively with the Fuji X100V for the last 4 years, although I am considering expanding my focal length horizons once more with and interchangeable lens camera - the X100V won't go anywhere though, simply love that camera.

An image from a family a walk a few years ago to get started - looking over the beautiful Buttermere valley in the UK Lake District from a hill known as Haystacks, and taken with my trusty X100V


Thanks, and look forward to getting back into the forum,

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief


I was in the Lake District exactly to catch such a picture but I had to wait until you shared it!

When we visited, it was sunny and cloudless but still a beautiful paradise!

The biggest challenge was driving on winding narrow roads with overgrown bushes scraping on the left side of the car as demonic cars coming towards us skillfully sped past at frightening speed.


Andrew Stannard

pro member

This is one of those winding narrow roads in the Lake District that snakes it's way precariously up the side of the hill. It's actually even steeper on the other side and is know affectionately as 'The Struggle'.

There is however a nice pub at the top where you can stop, admire the view, and calm your nerves!

