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Beautiful! Where I live there are not many colorful birds. Perhaps a bluejay or two and some birds with some red. Nothing as spectacular as these. How fortunate you are and also, beautiful photography!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

A huge investment in tracking and find these exotic birds, I imagine!

Is this part of your post-Covid imprisonment energetic thrust back to living again, or previous work?


Pao Dolina

Active member
Thank you Asher.

I've been busy for the past 4 years and I decided this month to revisit all the forums i used to go to.

~20% have domain names that do not work anymore.

~20% are still live but with only spam bots posting prior to 2022

~50% are like OPF but with a fraction of users from its peak.

So I figured the only way to liven these forums is to post photos. So here I am sharing. :)

Buff-banded Rail (Gallirallus philippensis) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I keep the forum alive precisely to expand access to the gentle but fragile planet over which man has claimed dominion.

I want to help the work of folk like you guys spread so that we shine a light on our activities and treasure others and the creatures we are blessed to share life with.

Each person who sees the pictures of a River, a family, boats or birds insects or snails helps educate us to treasure what’s all around us.

Because of your pictures, wildlife will be more valued and a child might be better fed! In the meantime we are uplifted by the sheer beauty of your work!



Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
These are exquisite!

The diversity of the birds is astonishing!

How much of an effort and enterprise is it to collect such pictures.

Does it require a lot of planning and finding sightings from local birding groups or are these just there to see!

WS the USA once as visually rich in bird species?


Pao Dolina

Active member
These are exquisite!

The diversity of the birds is astonishing!

How much of an effort and enterprise is it to collect such pictures.

Does it require a lot of planning and finding sightings from local birding groups or are these just there to see!

WS the USA once as visually rich in bird species?


Thank you Asher!

Bird photography has me going to places that business & pleasure would never have me visiting.

I travel by land, air and sea!

Members of birding groups help narrow down the locations and provide pointers for logistical support for local bird guides that charge $20/day.

I prefer to just make friends with people in the know and avoid the bird-centric politics that some orgs appear to create out of thin air.

After all why spend a fortune in EF L lenses and flagship EF bodies to hurl 🐒💩 at each other over things you never heard about or much less believe in in prior to purchasing the first lens?

Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
If there’s a dinosaur heaven, (why not?), the old guys must be both amazed and proud at their descendants who beat the doomsday meteor that ended their reign on planet earth!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you Asher!

Bird photography has me going to places that business & pleasure would never have me visiting.

I travel by land, air and sea!

Members of birding groups help narrow down the locations and provide pointers for logistical support for local bird guides that charge $20/day.

I prefer to just make friends with people in the know and avoid the bird-centric politics that some orgs appear to create out of thin air.

After all why spend a fortune in EF L lenses and flagship EF bodies to hurl 🐒💩 at each other over things you never heard about or much less believe in in prior to purchasing the first lens?

Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo meninting) by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr
So it’s a devoted mega effort, that pays off so well!!!


It’s also important!

Without that meta-self propelled industry, there likely would be a much weaker voice for preserving species that, like ourselves, depend on a balance of nature to be maintained.
