Thanks for the extra information.
So Diane, can you, (on this special occaision, and anyone else,) post a few pictures showing of some snapshots in color B&W and IR! Just for fun and to make this thread not only intesting but also beautiful!
I forgot about the limit of 4 images, so I will exclude most of the images but leave the links and text. The comparison between the 5D and G9 with the 100% crops at the end might be the most informative.
Asher, I don't have many to choose from since I haven't used it much 'in anger' as they say LOL. I had 2 early experiences in very poor shooting environments---one was an outdoor sculpture exhibit with sun overhead and deep shade from huge trees in a park--and about my first day shooting with it
The next shooting time was just the pits but while I was also working this event (an environmenal group/board that puts on an educational day concerning our river/basin and other environmental issues -with lots of exhibitors, this time including our state policy makers who had scored a victory in our state houses concerning water transfers, and--probably the highlight--lots of action on the river). I had things to do so just carried the G9--and then was asked if I would 'document' it for our web page, future newspaper articles, etc. LOL. Terrible shooting conditions--strong overhead sun, on the water with glare, extreme saturated colors, etc. It did 'okay' but not great
my favorite from the day--father and son (or mother/daughter) time trials
and a couple of others.
I was able to capture faster kayekers using Tv at 1/200s and another, but a crop of larger pic--I was well zoomed out standing on shore--dark faces, saturated colors, glaring sun---oh my LOL
and one taken in our library to see how well I could do with available light and RAW to pull up the shadows--how far I could go.
and one of the IR test shots I did yesterday at our pool. Not a great day for IR--cloud cover, we are in severe drought so greenery isn't registering as well on IR---and breezy (you can see that in the grasses--2 second shot).
Consider all these shots 'experimental' or 'pushed into a corner' LOL, but the Riverfest shots are probably where I would carry this so I can't whine too much. Also, all but the library and IR shot were done before the ACR 4.2 upgrade so I had to use the very primitive Canon Zoombrowser/RIT for conversion to tiff, then took into ACR as a tiff and worked with them there. Since then the ACR/LR upgrade includes the G9 'unofficially supported'---so the WB is incorrect, but what a difference in being able to work with RAW.
I'm considering taking the G9 on a trip further south in Nov for street shooting and IR--think it will work fine there.
Don't know about making the thread 'beautiful' but it will illustrate using the cam in bad conditions where it still did okay. Perhaps for an illustration of where I struggled--a tele shot of one our lawmakers--they were standing under a roofed shelter, I was standing a good distance away so had to zoom completely out---and had trouble getting a focus on their faces at that distance. No contrasty area, using the OVF--sort of--since the sunlight was so strong where I was standing--and this is a crop, but not too much as I remember.
Nothing to do with the photo, but he was maybe the youngest state representative in Washington when he was elected--ultra conservative. The grey hair was there in his teens BTW. I feel I could have gotten better shots--I was not particularly familiar with the camera and struggled with it at this point and put it in P--with slower shutter speeds, stopped down more than necessary--and if I had shot in M I could have controlled things better. This is an example of low shutter speed--hands waving--and probably head waggling a bit on all just enough to make them softer
So--if/when I get better representative shots from the cam--I'll post. Ah, just remembered--I do have too nicer shots taken the day I got the camera and a couple days after.
Hope this helps a bit in determining what the camera can do under various conditions--I've yet to print something though.
I just decided that crops from that fabric presentation I did with the 5D (and tried one shot each with the G9 for my own knowledge) might be interesting/informative. I did 100% crops of each, both shot in RAW, processed in ACR 4.2 (using Whibal to correct WB--but G9 lighted slightly differently from 5D), curves adjustment layer, capture sharpening (and some healing in ACR for minor picks or threads I couldn't see when shooting, etc.).
and the 5D you will have to use the link.
So there you are Asher--the sort of good, the bad and the ugly of the G9 in an early 'getting used to' arc. I have to say again that adding the Lensmate adaptor, while taking it out of pocketable, has made it a really nice handholdable small cam.