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Paul Iddon

The child is significant. Cover the child up with your thumb and see the difference. With him/her gives the landscape that finishing touch.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The child is significant. Cover the child up with your thumb and see the difference. With him/her gives the landscape that finishing touch.

That’s the critical test! You are so right Paul!

The child is needed to observe the planet, otherwise it has no point as it’s just sterile beauty!

Also, the childserves a stationary “dot” that causes the eyes wandering over the composition to stop and look back from that position!


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
I love the expanse of this photo Those dark clouds are dark and seemingly ominous however I think those beautiful clouds are the photo! Background tells a story so does the child Nice work!


Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
Beautiful, nearly apocalyptic sky and a new hope in form of a young child.
But what is the ship in the left of the frame?