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Dusk Skies in Los Angeles

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
It was late!

I visited my son, but could hardly leave the street. as I was mesmerized by the sky!


Asher Kelman: “Dusk, Visiting My Son”

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Asher Kelman: “Dusk, Visiting My Son #2”


Asher Kelman: “Dusk, Visiting My Son #3”


Asher Kelman: “Dusk, Visiting My Son”

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Hi, Asher,

All beauitiful!

Best regards,

Thanks Doug for vision. We had rain today, enough to find homes in our leaky roof and clean the air.

So the sky was especially bright and clear tonight!


Asher Kelman: “Moon over my next door neighbor”
and student of mine in medical school over 40 years ago!

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Asher,


The power service drop in the foreground (and its hooded entrance stack on the left) adds an amazing element. The stack is like a mysterious vulture-like creature overseeing the rest of the scene.

The combination of noise and (I think maybe) compression artifacts, especially on the various utility drops, produces a mysterious effect that seems just right for this image.


Amazing about the neighbor!

Best regards,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Tonight, once again the local sky has been throughly washed by rain and we can see the colors in the neighboring but distant areas where dust is still hanging in the air.

This gives us a Kodachrome sky and when we add the silhouettes of our garden trees, it’s simply an awesome from our garden windows looking north!


Asher Kelman: “North Towards Carmelita Avenue”

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Today we had no rain today so some big city pollution gathered in the skies, so immediately after the sun dipped into the horizon we had a glow.


Asher Kelman: “Winter Oaks and Palms”
Out of Camera

I allowed the free Google software, Snapseed, to emphasize the hues of the sky.

This creates as Kodachrome intense background to the City’s winter-naked California Oak trees of the street, (beyond my garden, seeming to line up with the 8 meter high palms, which the landscaper, (some 2 decades back), had assured me would grow to 1.5 meters, maximum!


Asher Kelman: “Winter Oaks and Palms”
Enhanced in Snapseed

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Tomorrow we’re not expecting rain yet we have dark foreboding clouds lingering from the stormy weekend!


Asher Kelman: “Clear Sky with Struggling Storm Clouds”

We are so fortunate to get views one only olds for on vacation or travel to fabulous places!

We get such views, nightly. I think the silhouette EF out palms and beyond tgst the city street trees against the sky does that so well!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Here it’s still normal. Power and informational cable are still overhead in Beverly Hills!

OTOH, snow, hail, sleet, tornadoes and hurricanes are outlawed!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Today was busy as I got filmed as an old man suffering early dementia. I had to hum tunes to a Beatles song that Generation Z liked I had never heard of!

At the end of the long day, I was calmed by this sight looking out at my back yard.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I never cease to be amazed by natural beauty of the trees against the sky which I am privileged to enjoy, even when I am in apparently in early dementia as today during the filming!

Not knowing a Beetle song all day convinced me it might even be starting!

How many folk can simply look out their window to enjoy such an awesome sight!
