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Fire in Beverly Hills.

Jerome Marot

Well-known member
There are major forest fires near Los Angeles at the moment, one in the mountains dominating Beverly Hills and Hollywood. I remembered that Asher lives there. This is today's map of the fire evacuation zone (in red). In yellow, the zones where citizen should should prepare for a possible evacuation. Asher home is outside of the zone (I circled the approximate location in red), so his house should be safe for the moment.


Still I have experienced forest fires in the South of France, it must be a difficult situation. I also remember that one of Asher's sons lived in the mountains near Los Angeles (but don't know where exactly). I sincerely hope all are safe and sound.
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It's devastating. Has anyone heard from Asher? I have a friend that lives an hour away and she has 2 family members that have completely lost their homes. I hope we hear from him soon.