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Fire in Beverly Hills.

Jerome Marot

Well-known member
There are major forest fires near Los Angeles at the moment, one in the mountains dominating Beverly Hills and Hollywood. I remembered that Asher lives there. This is today's map of the fire evacuation zone (in red). In yellow, the zones where citizen should should prepare for a possible evacuation. Asher home is outside of the zone (I circled the approximate location in red), so his house should be safe for the moment.


Still I have experienced forest fires in the South of France, it must be a difficult situation. I also remember that one of Asher's sons lived in the mountains near Los Angeles (but don't know where exactly). I sincerely hope all are safe and sound.
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It's devastating. Has anyone heard from Asher? I have a friend that lives an hour away and she has 2 family members that have completely lost their homes. I hope we hear from him soon.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thanks my dear friends for the concern. We are safe. However a number of friends have been left homeless and others are compusory evacuated.

We’ve had 3 false alarm evacuation advisories. So we have to have eyes glued to to news and follow actively each fire and watch the fearless fire crews fly helicopters and fixed wing tanker aircraft over the massive cauldrons of flames to accurately dump torrents water every 5 seconds on a ridge line of flames bearing down on our neighborhoods.

From that obsessional study, awareness of current wind patterns and regular checks of our city emergency pages, we are confidant that we actually safe.

Some friends, simply stressed out to the nth have long ago departed as they can’t tolerate uncertainty.

For us, we’ve shared the security entry codes to our home to our two nearby sons and are prepared to house them, children and dogs at any time.

As a physician and researcher, being alert and aware for changing circumstances is part of my training so I don’t suffer by the threats of disaster and that’s what I am used to.

However, I fear for the pilots of the helicopters as they maneuver above what seems l20 miles of raging volcano with larva eating up the Forrest and brush coming of the hillsides towards the homes.

We are fortunate to have filters on all our air conditioners and extra HEPA and charcoal air purifiers in each family home.

Thanks again for your concern!

Asher and Wendy and family.