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Flower Shots With Presence!

Something about these flowers seems strange- What do you think?


Hi Charlotte :) , I 'm pretty sure they are upside down. I'm assuming they are/were irises? I'm curious about why one is framed with a hard border and the other with a blur. Is there a reason?

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

some fun! Just some upside down fun- why the heck not huh? One has a vignette and the other doesn't- They are both framed the same however one a blurred vignette-
They are Glads-


Your flower photos are outstanding!!!

some fun! Just some upside down fun- why the heck not huh? One has a vignette and the other doesn't- They are both framed the same however one a blurred vignette-
They are Glads-

No reason at all, I've flipped photos before cause I found them better that way! :)

Your flower photos are outstanding!!!

Thanks, Charlotte, you are sweet. I hesitate so much to post anything here on OPF since there are so many great photographers here; I just think all my stuff looks like crap in comparison. People all seem to have such deep concepts and visions of what they want to show, and I just take pictures. :p

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member
Maggie Maggie Maggie!!!

Post! Your work is amazing my dear-what are you thinking-!!
Please I am one who is very finicky /picky and I think your photography holds up with the best of them-


Marianne Farr

New member
Here are a few of my favorite flower photos:

This one was taken in front of Robert Frost's Franconia, NH house.

150 by cmze23, on Flickr​
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Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
A Small Winter Surprise

Another shot at beauty! I saw these while grabbing some essentials at the market.


Asher Kelman: Winter Surprise
The wrinkles in the petals help to remind of McDonald's styrofoam containers! Nice lighting - nece deep dark inky shadows... gotta love LA -- flowers in December

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The wrinkles in the petals help to remind of McDonald's styrofoam containers! Nice lighting - nece deep dark inky shadows... gotta love LA -- flowers in December

Thanks, Ed,

I was concerned about the styrofoam ridges appearance myself, so I check the original and it's there, LOL! I wondered why, but then it might be part of the hardiness of the flower that they pick for selling at this time!

The View From Down Under
I have not posted to this thread in 4 years! Where does the time go?
I actually took this photo almost 6 years ago when I had just started using my very first DSLR, the mighty Nikon D40. I loved that little camera. At that time, someone on this forum, I will have to go back and search for who it was, gave me some great advice on shooting flowers. He just told me to take shots from angles that we don't normally see. Don't just look down at the flowers in your flower bed because that is how you see them all of the time. Go for something different. Something new to the eye. This is what I came up with on that day six years ago. I was laying on my back in the mulch, looking up from under one of my Iris that I loved to shoot. I stumbled across the image today when sorting through some old files and decided to see what I could do with it. It has problems but I still quite enjoy looking at it from this vantage point.


On the very top petal, barely noticeable, there was the tiniest of spiders.
James Newman

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Yes, shooting from new angles makes the viewer stop in their tracks and marvel. That's how I view this image, with some awe. The petals are transilluminated and this gives more of the detail, and a wonderful shot.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Back to cala lillies!

_MG_5704 copy.jpg

Asher Kelman: Cala Lilly in Wedding Vase

I just had to process one of my recent shots. Am addicted to this flower!


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
James, what a nice capture !
And what an excellent idea to photograph with such a bold angle. :)
Very nice. :)
I'll try something similar one of these days, now that spring is coming :)
Cala Lillies are beautiful flowers. Your photo is very un-usual Asher ! :)
I do like it with that so shallow depth of field ! :)