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Glencoe and the Aonach Eagach Ridge

Andrew Stannard

pro member

Jarno recently posted a beautiful picture of Glencoe in Scotland, showing the moorland on approach and the mountains of Glencoe itself.

I thought I'd follow this up with some photos taken from a climbing/scrambling trip a few years ago. One you get into the depths of the Glencoe valley you are hemmed in on either side by rugged mountains. Those on the northern side of the valley form an impressive ridge known as Aonach Eagach - and with a good head for heights and some prior scrambling/climbing experience it is possible to hike along the entirety of the ridge.

It's a big day out in the mountains and not for the faint-hearted, but in return you are offered magnificent views of the ridge itself and views back down into Glencoe - as well as memories to last a lifetime.

These were all taken on my Fuji XPro-2, with the 23mm F2 lens (35mm equiv). A nice lightweight setup when the rucksack was already full of hiking gear.

1. Near the start of the hike, and ;looking back towards the entrance of the Glencoe Valley


2. Looking up towards the end of the valley.


3. Higher up now and looking along the ridge - spot the winding 'path'!


4. Another shot along the ridge as the clouds rolled in and added to the drama.

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5. Looking across to the other side of the valley during a break in the clouds


6. Looking back along the valley - we had followed the ridge of the mountains on the left - look closely to spot the people on the distant peak!

7. Near the end of the hike now, before we made our way back towards the valley floor. This image give a sense of the magnificence of Glencoe Valley - our route had been along the mountains on the left.

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8. A shot towards the end of the day. A thunderstorm actually started rolling in a few minutes later, and we were glad to be off the top of the ridge!


9. Safely back down, and looking back up at the mountains we had traversed.


Thanks for looking, Andrew


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Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
Fantastic series, Andrew. I'm dreaming of perhaps one day hiking in Glencoe. So far my experience has been limited to driving. Maybe some day...