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Hitching a Ride (Buffalo)

This chap was quite happy to offer a ride in exchange for some free tick removal by the ox pickers. They do however also up wounds which isnt such a good thing.
I got a few shots with the birds in flight as well, could have done with a brighter day had to push the iso.

D850 200 to 400 f4
380mm f4 1/1000 iso2800
Feb 2024 photo safari
hitching a ride et.jpg

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Great sight!

Yes, there is a unchosen oact with little devils. If there is a wound, birds can take to eating tge bare flesh.

Hopefully, the birds only eat ticks!

Whales get encrusted like the hills of boats with barnacles and tgst is apparently very painful for them!

Sometimes whales go to fisherman to get help!

Some wild animals have birds enter the mouth and pick their teeth clean!

This is actually a big subject: the ecology of saphrohytes!
