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Hometown Tampico

Here I post about a beautiful place in Mexico. La laguna del Carpintero. In this Lagoon you can appreciate crocodiles co-existing with the locals.

At the end, I post a self-portrait. 🫶


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Here I post about a beautiful place in Mexico. La laguna del Carpintero. In this Lagoon you can appreciate crocodiles co-existing with the locals.

At the end, I post a self-portrait. 🫶


It’s hard to think that these monsters can ever be in harmony with humans!

In fact, when they have the rare opportunity, they readily demonstrate that humans can readily be part of their diet!

Welcome Stephanie,

So fabulous that you share images of your travels. When was it?

Hello Asher, this was last year during winter. This place is well known for this strange situation of people living along this animals, it is very strange! Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, visited this place in the early 2000s to assess the feasibility of relocating these animals, but it was ultimately decided that both humans and crocodiles would have to adapt to coexist.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Are the crocs fed at a particular time of day? If so they could be conditioned in their primitive brains to follow this acquired behavior as their normal food source!
