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Igreja de S. Julião - renovation works

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
I will make more shots tomorrow
Wow! How very, very beautiful! I would be so dizzy having to come down from those heights and I commend the people that do the work up there, but my gosh, it's so gorgeous!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Such a huge responsibility and need for patience, expertise and peace of mind!

This is noble work as it preserves art for more generations!


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
Indeed Asher. The man told me that he has been doing this work for 50 years now.
In title I mentioned renovation but it is not. It is restoration. He uses gold leafs and chemical processes.
The right wall is still to be restored.
I will try to make some shots of him and his instruments.
Cheers ! (y)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Antonio, my dear friend!

Are you back at active photography again, or is this from prior to COVID restrictions?

In any case, I am enormously grateful for your documentation of this important work. Religion has been such a major social tool of society.


Religion, (in it’s better aspects), serves to unite otherwise-diverse or mutually confrontational widely spread communities. It decreases the need for so many soldiers in governance of occupied colonial territories and to its credit, provides a spiritual cohesion of optimism, righteousness and self-worth amongs the faithful.


I believe we can do good deeds and love our neighbors without religion, but still religion is the dominant fountain of wisdom relied on even by modern Democratic, rationally educated societies.

Nevertheless, major iconic religious buildings and religious artwork and relics get neglected as patterns of worship evolve.

For example, as veteran religious orders get competition for more popular faith persuasions or from atheism, great wonders like the temples of the past in Cambodia and India or the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, or tge Acropolis in Athens mainly serve tourists. If the tourism brings money, then hopefully these treasures relics of our cultures will be preserved.
This is why, Antonio, I am so appreciative of your pictures and the great news that there’s a will to safeguard these ancient churches. It’s part of our universal heritage of humanity!

Kudos to you!


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
When in one of these mornings, I came into this church just to make a few shots I was surprised to see they were on a restoration process.
Two persons were / are working there and I am sure they will be for much longer. Hope the church has the necessary amount of money. I mean, I hope the church wants to spend the money because they do have the money !

When I made the last shown photographs there was only one person working. He told me that the priest doesn't want photographs to be taken.
I knew that already. I said OK but he is not here so...
I can't be caught in the act but tomorrow monday, I want to go there and redo the shot of the Christ with another lens, so I can get a better or/and different capture.
I hope the priest doesn't arrive but if he does I can be spotted and will not be able to shoot again at least with him at sight.

On the other hand, I understand why he doesn't want people to photograph. He is afraid the shots may be used to plan a robbery.
Anyway he usually arrives late in the morning... and than the work is done without his knowledge LOL

The last image I shot is too noisy ! I am going to try to improve it !

Cheers ! :)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
The ends justify the means here. Your recording might be the only documentation of tgst church’s treasures if there’s an earthquake, tsunami or great fire that almost totally destroyed in Notre Dame!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Why not take overlapping pictures and then after they are joined crop creatively to get the ideal view you decide on!

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Antonio,

These are exquisite.

I think the first shot especially gives a wonderful interplay between this beautiful work of historic architectural art and the reality of a contemporary artisan at work on it. It is perhaps thus that we attain immortality!

Best regards,


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
@ Asher, I am sorry but I have erased all those photographs. However, I went back to the church today and with the same lens (18mm) i made a few shots. They moved the scaffold to the other side as you can see.
Perhaps you have a stitching app to do the work while I did it in CC...
I am sending you the photographs in RAW of course, just as they came out of the camera but renamed by LR
Cheers ! :)

@ Doug
Thank you very much for your comment.
From all the photographs I made in all those occasions I went there, for me the second one is the best !
Cheers ! :)

Sometimes shooting wide open has some disadvantages. Even the shutter speed being 1/100s and the lens being an 85mm the focus is not perfect on the head of the statue ! :cautious:
Perhaps I should say: when shooting wide open be super careful !



Nancy Phillips

New member
It's always thrilling to witness the transformation of historical landmarks like Igreja de S. Julião through renovation works. I'm eagerly anticipating seeing more shots of the progress you'll capture tomorrow. Renovation projects often involve attention to detail, and I'm sure your shots will showcase the dedication and craftsmanship involved.
By the way, when it comes to those finishing touches that truly elevate a space, have you considered skirting boards? They might seem like a small detail, but they can make a significant difference in the overall aesthetic. I recently stumbled upon Skirting Board Company, and I must say, they offer an impressive selection of skirting boards to suit any style or project.
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