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J the Barber

Carl Armijo

New member

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

So happy to see you back!

This portrait has such a lot to discover: especially the decorative features he has crafted on his left side of his head.

He has a crescent tattoo on he lateral scalp, a left nose ring and a bold stone black ear stone!

I wonder if he’a Also left-handed?


Carl Armino: “J. The Barber”

So he’s a hairdresser and a character. Is he the fellow with fascinating insights or stories to tell during the haircut or else he interrogates you for your latest happenings and life process?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I think it is called an expander. I am telling the name in case you would like one for yourself. ?
The most I will go is for is my bright yellow shoes and the yellow extra long silk jacket!

Black ear expanders seems too “out there” for me!
