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Late Night Relaxation - Lake Huron Beach

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
I missed the better Aurora show on Monday night (Aug 11, 2024). Anne and I decided to head out the next night (last night) for a relaxing evening on the beach and see if there would be any visibility.

While waiting I grabbed a moody shot of the moon in the south sky with its reflection on the water



There was a small hint of it along the lake, tonight (Tuesday) —- for a few minutes after dark at 9:47pm - nothing too spectacular and not noticeable with the naked eye.


A little bit of magenta and green colour came through on the hour and a half long star trail exposure. We did get to witness around a dozen streaks from the meteor shower, during that time. [ for any who aren’t aware, the stationary star that the star trails are circling around, is POLARIS also known as the NORTH STAR]

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Robert Watcher

Well-known member
with all of the fumbling around we have been doing, trying to function in the pitch black of night - and trying to hold my iPhone with one hand to make adjustments on my camera or change a lens ———- this recent relatively inexpensive purchase has been one of the better ones that I have made for our excursions. Got to strap one to my head for this time on the beach and it was wonderful to have a clear view and to pack up without leaving anything behind as well as successfully make it back to the car without tripping on obstacles along the beach. I had them charging in my car usb port.
