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My Elemental Witch Goddess Series - Metal

A couple shots from the series, first Kerri Taylor in full outfit and then Kerri and Erin Melancholic together. Of note, eventually Erin will be in the full outfit at some point in the project, at least that is the plan.

Trivia: The cape and Skirt were put together by girlfriend, shoulders and collar piece along with Erin's cuffs by me, boots were purchased on line. Body suit was bought locally. The rainbow effect was unexpected and actually kind of cool looking (My opinion), although not intended. The bracelets are something I picked up for my model accessory collection many moons ago when shooting portfolios more often. And the headband is actually intended for Christmas package wrapping, but hey it works for a headband. Used it before, has lasted way longer than I thought it would.

Comments welcome


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I am impressed by your imagination and drive to find the correct costumes. My studio wardrobe is much more basic.

You add rich texture and many layers of reference for our minds to create stories!

I may not be a great artist and only a decent photographer (I know way too many great photographers), but I do try my best to create something resembling art.

I am reminded of my favorite line about being great at photography.

"I don't want to be like Ansel Adams, I just want his publicist." ;)

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I heard it said that Ansel Adams established the price value of his art by having someone gift it to a museum and had Art Experts appraise the gifts for tax purpose to a high value.

That then sets the base price for his work and since there was only one Ansel Adams and he was disciplined and brilliantly qualified, he was not only famous but commanded a high price!

That someone was likely his publicist.
Growing up, I saw some landscape photographers whose work was as good or better than Ansel's but they are still unknown to this day. Even I can't remember them other than they were as good or better than Ansel.
Never really into landscape photography, but I do follow some photographers in categories I shoot in, such as Helmut Newton.

But it is true for MOST artists of any category, that quality of art does not always match the price of the art or notoriety of the artist, it is the agents and publicists who determine price versus perceived quality, and that has been going on for literally millennia.