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Nikon D3300 / TT685II-N settings for bar / club etc photos?

King Mustard

New member
I am a beginner and have no real interest in learning too much about cameras.

I use my camera, a Nikon D3300 (with Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR lens), in auto mode (minus flash) and it works well enough in daytime photos. I like using spot focus, the background blur looks nice.

I want to start taking it to family events that take place in evenings, such as wedding parties, grandkid's discos etc, as smartphones camera LEDs are rubbish in low light environments.

I recently bought a Godox TT685II-N to 'replace' the camera's built-in flash.

I have the flash in i-TTL mode and camera in auto (with flash).

Is this all I have to do? Or do you suggest changing settings on the camera and/or flash?

All I want is to pick up the camera and go, not mess with settings every time I want to take a photo.