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Recreating Laura's bunny hop

Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
These two pictures are the next postcards in my Scotland series. First one shows Laura, then aged 4 against the backdrop of the majestic Glencoe. This May she agreed to recreate her bunny hop. Unfortunately, we did not find the exact same spot but we got close enough.

Oh, how time flies...
Bunny hopping in 2013...


...and Bunny Hopping in 2024


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Laura has lived up to the promise seen at age 4!

Actually, the background now is better for her new stature!

Here bunny hop pose is likewise improved.

Would love a close up of her face and hair so we could meet her!


Jarmo Juntunen

Well-known member
Thank you, Asher! She certainly has turned into a confident young woman. She and her two siblings (older brother and sister) make us happy and proud every day.

I have posted some recent studio work with Laura but here's one I probably haven't posted. I was experimenting with a diy snoot and chose a bad time to ask her to help. She was not amused but agreed to help anyway:


Stephen Green

New member
These two pictures are the next postcards in my Scotland series. First one shows Laura, then aged 4 against the backdrop of the majestic Glencoe. This May she agreed to recreate her bunny hop. Unfortunately, we did not find the exact same spot but we got close enough.

Oh, how time flies...
Bunny hopping in 2013...


...and Bunny Hopping in 2024

Love this! Laura’s bunny hop through the years is such a heartwarming reminder of how precious and fleeting time is.