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Strictly For The Birds

Tony Britton

Active member
I hope you'll enjoy these wonderful birds. It's such an honor to be in their presence!

Double-crested Cormorant

Green Heron

Snowy Egret

Brown Pelican

Tony Britton

Active member

These are delightfully colored and sharp.

How do you obtain the “horizontally” moving bokeh?

Hi Asher,

What I especially enjoy about bird portraits is the opportunity to involve dynamic bokeh backgrounds, which involve water in the case of these 3 examples, rather than a static bokeh background involving trees or bushes. It lends a dreamy quality to the composition, in my opinion. If there's a touch of turbulence in the water, then all the better!


Jerome Marot

Well-known member
Very nice bird close-ups, but I have difficulty visualizing how the pictures were taken. The pictures of water birds, in particular, seem to be taken from a higher observation point. Would you have pictures of the surroundings so that I understand better how the birds were photographed?

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Hi, Tony,

These are exquisite! Thank you so much.

Were these shot with a non-interchangeable-lens camera? I seem to recall that some of your earlier work on birds was.

Best regards,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I just read that The pigeon guillemot is a species of bird in the auk family, Alcidae.


Tony Britton: Pigeon Guilletmot

I am reminded of the high fashion women’s shoes with touches of red.


Perhaps the colors of this Pigeon Guiletmot inspired that human fad!

Tony Britton

Active member
Very nice bird close-ups, but I have difficulty visualizing how the pictures were taken. The pictures of water birds, in particular, seem to be taken from a higher observation point. Would you have pictures of the surroundings so that I understand better how the birds were photographed?
Hello Jerome,

Thanks for looking and commenting. Here's an example of a wider shot from the Snowy Egret series. The "observation point" depends upon how agreeable my arthritic knees are on a given day! I especially enjoy photographing Great Herons and Great Egrets because I don't have to get too low to obtain an eye level shot!:)

Tony Britton

Active member
Hi, Tony,

These are exquisite! Thank you so much.

Were these shot with a non-interchangeable-lens camera? I seem to recall that some of your earlier work on birds was.

Best regards,

Hello Doug,

Thanks for looking and commenting. Yes, all of my photos are from non-interchangeable lens cameras. My current camera is the Sony DSC-RX10 M3 bridge camera, which is really fantastic! It has a 20 megapixel 1" sensor and sports a 24-600 mm (35 mm equivalent) lens. The Green Heron shot from the recent series is from a very old Canon SX40 superzoom, which has 12 megapixels and a 24-840 mm (35 mm equivalent) lens.


Tony Britton

Active member
Here's a another set I hope you'll enjoy!

Great Egret

Brown Pelican

Green Heron

Say's Phoebe

Wood Duck

Double-crested Cormorant


Tony Britton

Active member
I wanted to share a few more of my favorite egret photos. Always a joy to photograph these beautiful birds. Thanks for looking!

Great Egret

Snowy Egret

Great Egret

Snowy Egret

Great Egret

Snowy Egret

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Such superb contributions!

I commend you for being natures overwhelming beauty in such glorious details and with such luxurious diversity.

Thanks so much!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
So wonderful, Tony, your work uplifts us.

I am so impressed by the variety of birds you have chosen and the behaviors you have observed and recorded!


Tony Britton

Active member
So wonderful, Tony, your work uplifts us.

I am so impressed by the variety of birds you have chosen and the behaviors you have observed and recorded!

Hi Asher,
Thanks so very much for this inspiring comment. As I've said before, birds are truly living works of art!

Best regards,

Tony Britton

Active member
Hi, Tony,

Just astounding, both the birds themselves and your wondrous photography of them!

Thanks so much.

Best regards,

Hi Doug,
Thank you very much for your kind and generous comment! I'm so glad you're enjoying these beautiful birds!

Kind regards,