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Sunset Farmer

Robert Watcher

Well-known member
On our drive home last night, it took me a few minutes to put two and two together. In a untreed area along the road, I noticed a tractor working a field, but it was hard to make out many details. Along the North/south drive I had noticed the sun low in the sky to my right, adding some drama to the subtle clouds —- but the sun was far to the left of the direction of the tractor that I came upon - I would have had to stop immediately and shoot through the passenger side of the window - plus I was just wanting to get home. ALL REASONS FOR ME NOT TO TAKE A PHOTO.

I continued on for a mile until I got to the edge of our town, meanwhile my mind is thinking there may be a possibility of the tractor travelling far enough to be centered with the sun - if I got back quickly enough. Plus I could shoot through my driver side window from the other side of the road now. I had my camera in hand as I was driving and pulled over just in time to fire off 7 shots. I made sure I was exposed so the sky didn’t blow out. In fact I wasn’t even aware of the white flowered field (dandelions) that adds so much more interest, until I got the file opened up in Snapseed.


Stephen Green

New member
On our drive home last night, it took me a few minutes to put two and two together. In a untreed area along the road, I noticed a tractor working a field, but it was hard to make out many details. Along the North/south drive I had noticed the sun low in the sky to my right, adding some drama to the subtle clouds —- but the sun was far to the left of the direction of the tractor that I came upon - I would have had to stop immediately and shoot through the passenger side of the window - plus I was just wanting to get home. ALL REASONS FOR ME NOT TO TAKE A PHOTO.

I continued on for a mile until I got to the edge of our town, meanwhile my mind is thinking there may be a possibility of the tractor travelling far enough to be centered with the sun - if I got back quickly enough. Plus I could shoot through my driver side window from the other side of the road now. I had my camera in hand as I was driving and pulled over just in time to fire off 7 shots. I made sure I was exposed so the sky didn’t blow out. In fact I wasn’t even aware of the white flowered field (dandelions) that adds so much more interest, until I got the file opened up in Snapseed.

View attachment 11856

Wow, that turned out amazing! Glad you decided to go back for those extra shots!