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The angel of diamonds and glitter

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

Some of your best work!

You’ve mastered your spiritual-space-time binoculars to view the mysteries of women.


Your painstaking layering keeps delivering beguiling eroticism and power. But never has the veil of dignity been dropped! That’s important to me too. I think I succeed there.

But I still struggle In the worldly realm with just one layer of well lit femininity. These are the essential curves that modulate my 3D forms in my sculptural art.

Your imaginative layering is awesome and brings the photograph to a new mystical level.


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
By the way, Charlotte, are you using entire images or you

1. Crop away what you don’t need or
2. Have masking in Picasa to limit what of a layer is used?


Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

I do the crop and will not let anyone else touch my work. I think cropping is a very important skill. The layers of course are cropped or shadowed put however if I dont need them or like the look I start over with another layer. Picasa doesnt mask. I do LOL I love anything mystical since a girl. I never think I have mastered anything . Still learning and growing. Life is everything rolled up in a ball. and every day I want to learn more and more. Your very kind words Inspire!

Charlotte Thompson

Well-known member

Appreciated ! Mystery and sacred is a very good expression of this piece. It is almost always in my work. Welcome here
