Thank you my unique viewer!
“Unique viewer”? Not at all!
Charlotte Thompson, Andy Brown have each followed you closely and Doug Kerr wrote to me privately in admiration!
I am sure there are others! How many times have you seen a bird image, street scene or one of my studio pictures and then simply had to immediately return to the job at hand, where time is of the essence, and you had no time to actually put your thoughts into text? But I know you do look at much more than you comment on! Likewise for others!
Just that I in particular am taken by your long focused career in beautiful imagery. So I never want to miss any news, especially of the leap to Claris as an “Image Building Agency” with the superb flair enhanced by Romain’s superbly crafted nuances of framing, angles, timing and movement which add poetics and lyricism to a foundation of already rich imaginary!
Perhaps I write too often and take up all the space, and have already said, right away just what others were about to write!
To me, knowing you, working together over the past 14 years, it’s seeing a fabulous plant grow and blossoms develop that open up to such impressive array of vibrant colors!
So naturally I reply to all your images. In doing so, perhaps I overshadow and inhibit others!