Winston Mitchell
There is a place reserved on my coffee-table for...
Three more...
Emphasis added by me...This next one is much different.
There's a sense of bleakness but solid assurance here, even though it's utterly empty of people.
This next one is much different.
There's a sense of bleakness but solid assurance here, even though it's utterly empty of people.
Emphasis added by me...
Thanks Asher, but did you see the silhouette of the person in the background? For me This is an an essential part of the picture, but maybe not clearly enough visible at this resolution and size.
I think it is your perception.
The idea behind the composition is simple:
Take a surface with parallel lines - the corrugated steel and a square shape and determine which composition suits the best the relative placement.
A remote inspiration is a visualization used by Kraftwerk on their concerts or some of their videos. The elements are a line, a square and a triangle (obviously missing here).