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Usual Suspect

Peter Dexter

Well-known member
Male Red-headed Barbet


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
This bird seems to be thinking a lot and likely has a lot of seething pent-up anger, if we’d imagine it was Donald Trump......


Peter Dexter: Male Red-headed Barbet

.......contemplating impeachment!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Today's anthropomorphism?

We do not know what creatures like this are thinking. Perhaps this is a great moment and the expression means I am so happy!

We are limited to understanding only a few Frances of apes and reactions of dogs!


Peter Dexter

Well-known member
Well I haven't seen you seen you apply your anthopomorphisms to any other images of birds posted here. Any reason mine is singled out?

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief

I have never been moved so much by a bird picture like this one. Your red-headed Barbet seems to have broken species barriers in its immediate projection of apparent mood!

The perfect focus on a radiating b.g. Like a halo, helps to make is stand out so much.

The sharp eye and black patch extending under its chin seems essential for this look.


Peter Dexter: Male Red-headed Barbet

Of course, this is a bird who likely as not would fly past the President without any thought of relevance to the us, except that we are a dangerous pest!

Amazingly, I just discovered that the female has a soft sky-blue patch below and behind its beak in apparent homage to Melania Trump! I kid you not!

Once I saw the female of this species, Melania in her blue dress wouldn’t leave my mind

So I beg your forgiveness in connecting this utterly innocent and beautiful bird with such a strange man!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Other images online of this bird lack this severe contemplative look!

They also seem not as well focused and uniquely set up with a sharper eye and unusual radial b.g. as you have achieved with your technique and composition!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
After a search of many, many online pictures, I found two, this and this, (which, interestingly, also are also well-focused and have a distinct reflection in the eye), which provide an aura of contemplating dread and malfeasance!

Still none of them displays the overpowering sense of impending doom shown by your superb picture!


It’s simply a standout!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Well thank you for the kind words.
Well, Peter,

Your unusually powerful image forced me to study as to why a bird could loook so damn serious, that it’s entire world was under threat and dread!

Cartoonists brilliantly do this in a few marks with a pen!

Also stunning coincidence that the female red-headed Barnet boasts the same sky blue scarf as Melania’s famous dress, when Donald was beside her, somber with his black coat and red tie!
