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What Makes Expensive Cameras Expensive

Pao Dolina

Active member
I really wish Canon progressed to medium format bodies as I want to graduate to larger than full frame.

Only choice would be GFX system of FujiFilm.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
I really wish Canon progressed to medium format bodies as I want to graduate to larger than full frame.

Only choice would be GFX system of FujiFilm.
Well, Pao,

The GFX system has matured having already at least 5 bodies, perfectly fabulous used models for under $2000 which can perform at pro level.

The glass is first order quality. Remember they made lens for Hasselblad!

Autococus is pretty good and IBIS works with even 3rd party lenses for which there are plenty of adapters.
