Economic growth by accelerating production each year consumes more resources and poisons the water, earth and soul. That’s how the Mayans died!
Read up on the
Doughnut Economic Model by the English economist, Kate Raworth! Amsterdam is shifting its entire economic foundation to that new form.
Who will feed us Asher? Johan Rockstrom is known for Leading development on the
Planetary Boundaries framework. The concept of sustainable development is nothing new.
Kate Raworth may offer a great critique on the economy but where are her solutions?
Ironically agriculture was the main industry prior to the year 1750 before the industrial age. Yet agriculture has a huge impact on all the boundaries when considered from this point of view alone.
Climate Change, Ocean acidification, ozone depletion, nitrogen phosphorus fluxes, fresh water depletion, biodiversity, aerosols, chemical pollution.
“ In addition to crossing these planetary boundaries, the global agriculture system has other important adverse impacts. One issue is that the food system is also giving rise to new pathogens. For example, the industrial breeding of poultry causes recombination of genes of bacteria and viruses. When livestock and poultry mix with wild species, there are further viral recombinations. The interaction of the food supply with wild-type pathogens has probably given rise to several emerging infectious diseases, most likely including the frightening outbreak of the SARS virus in 2003.” Reference The Age Of Sustainable Development a book by Jeffrey D. Sachs.
So when will the markets climb? I view the stock market as a casino and a sophisticated form of gambling.