I’m always a bit sluggish to wade to not waters I don’t fully understand but I’d like to offer some thoughts as I watch the world rattle on.
What I read here and in other places of less importance is somewhat of a game play where we are the observers waiting for a match to finish so we know who is the winner, and especially, who is the loser, although that seems to be less of a concern.
What results for this analogy of mine is that we seem to be giving away our control of a situation to some unknown players who are playing with rules we are not quite sure about.
Like the players in such a match, we also have no real idea of their condition for play are their competency other than past performances.
Unfortunately, the data we rely on is old news. Not that old that it might have been useful last year but, under the new conditions of play, we have little but faith to expect things to pan out as they always have.
Some might say we have had this before and this is what happens. An extrapolation, so to speak.
Regardless of who says what, this isn’t the same game. THe field is muddied with unfamiliar ground, people in the crowd are confused, the referee is losing control of the game, the players are ignoring some of the rules, the reporting is, in part, biased and flawed.
It might seem a bit extreme to suggest this is unknown territory. But that’s exactly what it is.
This seems to be the point where the spectators need to decide, to be in control, to consider what sort of outcome they want for this game.
Or leave it behind and start something entirely different. Something that works for them, something that benefits them all, not just the players, managers and media.
The very essence of capitalism is facing a crisis. People are no longer safe under its rule. A small percentage have the most. A large percentage see no future. In the middle, people are concerned at how it’s got to this. They’re not looking for an ideal world, just a bit they can life on with rules they can live with that consider the individual above all.
It’s almost as if people have become disposable. Even under the current threat, the elderly and weak are considered by some as a necessary consequence of a plague or epidemic. And as this issue continues, people starve by the millions, have no home, are a consequence of hostility, and are punished when they want for a better life. Do any of them even know about the stock market? Do they care if they do?
If we are in a situation where we could change the rules, what would we consider as important?
I might seem like an idealist, which I am, but it could be such a time.
I live in a country where I believe this sort of change is not only possible but very likely. There is resistance to go back to the old ways of industry setting the rules, of politicians being detached from their constituent, of individuals in constant demand for more and more when others dhave less and less, of primary producers hanging my a financial thread while the investors reap the benefits, of resources being depleted, habitats destroyed.
I’ll,be dead in a few years. I don’t need to predict the stock market. What’s left for me is to,see some changes to a broken system. Something small will do. I’d start with education since that’s my thing. Increase proportional tax on everyone and fund totally free education for everyone. Making people smarter is always a good thing. Seems simple.