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Flowers on a walk!

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Yesterday, without realizing it, my technique was so different!


I realize the obvious major change occurring when using a smart phone camera, albeit with 12MP, instead of a heavy LF camera!

The feeling is entirely different having a deeper plane of focus. It has a far larger distribution of interest! Intriguing and more Democratic to the bg but ultimately losing the punch and impact of the larger format images of 2023!


James Lemon

Well-known member
Yesterday, without realizing it, my technique was so different!

View attachment 11885

I realize the obvious major change occurring when using a smart phone camera, albeit with 12MP, instead of a heavy LF camera!

The feeling is entirely different having a deeper plane of focus. It has a far larger distribution of interest! Intriguing and more Democratic to the bg but ultimately losing the punch and impact of the larger format images of 2023!

Would still produce a 12.5 x 10 print at 300 DPI

Doug Kerr

Well-known member
Lovely shot.

I enjoyed your discussion about the use of different cameras for such subjects.

Best regards,


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Lovely shot.

I enjoyed your discussion about the use of different cameras for such subjects.

Best regards,

Hi Doug,

Thanks for your visit and comments!

The even appearance of detail in smart phone images because of the shorter focal length used, can be advantageous in showing the matrix in which interesting things exist.

But we can still get the subject sharp and the bg out of focus when we shoot in limited light and the object of higher interest is closer to us.


Here the cactus flower rises far above the plane of the cactus plant itself and so they are naturally separated in the decreased light of the location and the closeness to the flower.

On the other hand, the entire plant to be included in the field requires one to step back and now the plane of focus straddles both the flowers and the plant itself.


This evenness of presentation doesn’t reveal thr compositional elements that I think could be brought out.

So now I use a combination of peripheral blur and central brightness to rank a portion of the plant on the upper left as being where to explore.


It’s subtle as one shouldn’t make such changes to attract attention! I hope it works for you!

With a larger format long lens, this comes about naturally!
