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  1. M


    The light was right for this: Waves Best regards Michael
  2. Jarmo Juntunen

    Cleaning the Bean

    Cloud Gate, Chicago.
  3. Ignacio “Oscar” Molina

    Granada Spain, "La Alhambra"

    I was a bit skeptical when I visited this city, some friends and family had told me how beautiful it was, but considering my work as an architect and my deeply weakness and appeal to contemporary spaces, I have been pushing me away from what we call "Ruins" or even religious architecture. To be...
  4. Tim Rucci

    Where Am I ? Does anyone recognize this place?

    Where am I? Please be specific ific...
  5. Tim Rucci

    Here we go again... Where Am I ??

    Guess the location....
  6. Asher Kelman

    Challenge for Pictures in a Series: Motif or Concept Share your Favorite Shots: Architectural & Cultural Gems Around The World

    Great Cities and Civilizations often build magnificent structures to impress and draw crowds. let me start with some night shots in Los Angeles. Asher Kelman: “Walt Disney Concert Hall at Night” Hand Held Panorama Designed by Frank Gehry and financed by generous gifts from LA music lovers...
  7. fahim mohammed

    My World: Abandoned..Not erased!!

    Fuji X100S. NY, N.Y. From the archives.
  8. nicolas claris

    Random pictures - Regularly updated - Juste pour le plaisir

    "Lavande papillon", for the bees
  9. fahim mohammed

    If stones could speak...

  10. Tom dinning


    Such buildings are designed to hold as many people as possible for short periods of time each day. They have a lifetime of about 50 years. I imagine they have a hefty carbon footprint with little real productivity. The people inside are employed to make money and to move money. It’s what we call...
  11. Asher Kelman

    The Architecture at The Colburn School Grand Avenue, Los Angeles

    I though I'd share architectural images I'm preparing for The Colburn School of Music, a wonderful school that occupies a privileged space of real estate between The Walt Disney Concert Hall across the street and The Museum of Contemporary Art, next door. The design has been considered to be...