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  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. Robert Watcher

    Relaxing Monday evening - Beach & Light Trails

    Trying to find a different vantage point around the Goderich Harbour (Lake Huron). At the end of the Cove beach, I spotted a grassy mound that aimed back toward the ships loading at the salt mine. Plus I figured I’d be able to catch some car light trails where the road came to an end, requiring...
  2. Robert Watcher

    Lake Huron Sunset

    A unique cloud cover as the sun was setting tonight Anne took a pic of me from behind without me knowing
  3. Ignacio “Oscar” Molina

    Portugal beach

    Location: Portugal south Praia da Marinha (translation: navy beach) is an iconic beach near Lagoa. It is known as one of the most beautiful beaches of the world. When you arrive, make sure you check out the breathtaking view over the beach. The beach is surrounded by steep cliffs, which gives...
  4. Antonio Correia

    Wale beach under very harsh light

    In the beginning of the XXth Century during Summer, people lived in this beach chasing wales which were appearing nearby. These days, of course... The light is very harsh but the way way not better. Many pebbles make it hard and dangerous. The Sun was very bright and strong, also.
  5. Robert Watcher

    Before and After Travel Pic

    I always liked this pic I took of 4 kids who used to sell us their families handmade products on the beach in Nicaragua. It was a grab shot of them heading on to the next restaurant and included clutter on the beach that I preferred not include. As much because of posts growing out of their...
  6. Antonio Correia

    Flying a kite on the beach

  7. S

    One storms effect on my local beach.

    Was having a browse of the forums, you might find this blog I wrote, interesting in this section.. this is Bigbury a local beach to me in Devon, UK and the effect one storm had in December 2020 Storm Bellas effect at Bigbury Beach
  8. Tom dinning

    Beach house

    Typical of the new look along the East Coast of UK.
  9. Chris Calohan

    The Girl From Ipanema?

  10. Tim Dolan (Longwatcher)

    Some thoughts on Nudes at beach

    I attempted this once before with different pictures (same shoot) and it failed to post apparently, so I am trying again. For Trivia: Model is Stathena who is currently in San Francisco area of California, although she travels occasionally these days. Lovely and wonderful art model. Nothing...
  11. Robert Watcher

    Anticipate, Plan, and be Patient —- It May Happen

    Far down the beach, I noticed a few small specs moving. Wasn’t sure if it was children or adults. I noticed they were moving in my direction. It probably took 15 minutes before I could identify that there were three individuals and one had something on the shoulders. i found my setting in the...
  12. Robert Watcher


    Exploring new areas of El Salvador, with today being the coastal areas of the Gulf of Fonseca. Here is collection of images I took at the end of the day before our 1-1/2 hour ride home. Olympus E-M1 w/11-22 f2.8/3.5
  13. Tom dinning

    Hervey Bay Queensland.

    Hervey Bay is a community locked between Fraser Island and the rest of Australia. It’s communities were fishers which now link to form a rather large population. It’s a haven for retirees because of the weather and lifestyle. It also has very respectable medical services dealing with old people...
  14. Tom dinning

    Places found along the sea shore.

  15. Robert Watcher

    Football Gymnastics

    Football Gymnastics
  16. Tom dinning

    Being calm

    When life is just a little disjointed and I keep bumping into people going in their own direction, I switch on my iPad and browse through the 778 images from the Cloud. I find a place of balance and serenity and breathe gently, have some pleasant thought and consider the world a better place...
  17. D

    Mussel in the sand

    An attempt to capture the stark simplicity of a common Mussel embedded in beach sand, in just about the most interesting light that a beach would have to offer, and in hyper-detail using an extraordinary (but cheap and forgotten) lens from the 1970s - on B&W film, of course. Olympus OM-1...
  18. J

    Mabua Beach

    Here's my shot from my backpacking trip in Mabua Beach in Surigao City.
  19. J

    Hundred Island Nature Park

    Situated in Alaminos, Pangasinan, Hundred Islands is a gem waiting to be discovered. Choose among it's many facets. Soak in the sunshine on the white sand beaches of Quezon Island. Frolic in the shallow waters of Children's Island. Hire a boat and go island-hopping. Explore the abundant marine...