• Please use real names.

    Greetings to all who have registered to OPF and those guests taking a look around. Please use real names. Registrations with fictitious names will not be processed. REAL NAMES ONLY will be processed

    Firstname Lastname


    We are a courteous and supportive community. No need to hide behind an alia. If you have a genuine need for privacy/secrecy then let me know!
  • Welcome to the new site. Here's a thread about the update where you can post your feedback, ask questions or spot those nasty bugs!


  1. fahim mohammed

    My World: The 7th Continent.

    Stay safe. Stay well.
  2. P


    How would you like to live here? You would have a long seep walk to get anywhere. It is an Indian home in the Andes mountains. They often like to live far away from the rest of the Colombian population. It is notable that unlike other Colombians they don't clear large swaths around their homes...
  3. Tom dinning

    Would you?

  4. Jerome Marot

    Photographic Gems of Our Times From The Web Aeroglyphs.

    Aeroglyphs is an ongoing series by Reuben Wu of large temporary geometries traced by light carrying drones in space. More and bigger images on https://reubenwu.com/projects/25/aeroglyphs
  5. Jarmo Juntunen

    Travelog: Death Valley Diversity

    I had formed my image of Death Valley from old westerns and Lucky Luke. The reality was a lot more. Artist`s Palette and a dry river bed Natural Bridge Canyon Natural Bridge Badwater Basin
  6. D


    Just wanted to share a landscape photograph which I recently made in the beautiful Outeniqua mountains in the Garden Route, Western Cape, South Africa. Outeniqua
  7. J

    The Altered Landscape: Collaborative Photography Project

    The Altered Landscape is a new collaborative photography project where photographers can share their personal visions of landscapes altered by human. http://www.thealteredlandscape.com I Hope you'll like it. Jérôme
  8. J

    Sunrise at the Pool

    I snapped this picture on my recent vacation to Mexico. It is just the sunrise over the pool, but I think it turned out well so I wanted to share it. Thanks for looking! Denver Landscape Photography
  9. J

    Colorado National Monument

    Joe Thomas : Colorado National Monument Okay. I just got back late last night from my camping trip to the Black Canyon and the Colorado National Monument. I was able to snap some pictures while I was there. Whatcha think?
  10. R

    Just for Fun No C&C will be given: Palm Fronds and the Church

    For some background, see this.
  11. D

    Embracing distracting elements

    Though we regularly strive to remove all distracting elements from a typical "postcard" landscape image, I often find cases where I try to embrace them, to use them as a sort of frame to direct the viewer's attention. This is a recent (May 2009) such attempt, and I was wondering what the...
  12. Cem_Usakligil

    The root of all evil?

    Please let me have your C&C as usual. Thx. :-) The Root of All Evil: Cheers,
  13. D

    Missions Barn Flathead Valley Montana

    This barn somewhat of a landmark in the Flathead Valley between Ronan and Pablo on Old Highway 93. Photographic opportunities are sometimes limited by water vapor haze, smoke from fires, and just general weather. I drive by here once a week, and most of the time I don't stop. The clouds made...