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A believer taking a rest

Antonio Correia

Well-known member
One of the most beautiful places I have ever visited is Palitana. At the long descent I met many people.

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
What a graceful lady! That pose is very Eastern!

I am amazed how folk are able to withstand going shoeless.


Antonio Correia

Well-known member
Thank you Asher for your comment :)
People have been walking bare feet all their lives...
Sunset at the top outside a temple

Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you Asher for your comment :)
People have been walking bare feet all their lives...
Sunset at the top outside a temple
For sure, but for me it’s still awesome.

Actually the human foot is a wonder of engineering. When running barefoot, most of the forces of impact are elastically returned on rebound to allow efficient running.

Shoes, including running shoes, degrade this super human ability.

Together with our unique human ability to cool off during long distance running by sweating, we outperform all other mammals!

No animal can out run a human over a long distance.

In fact, Africans in Northern Nigeria and Ethiopia can chase down ungulate prey until it overheats and stands paralyzed due to hyperthermia and acidosis.

At times, the hunts had little need to actually throw his spear! He can simply slaughter it with a piercing thrust!


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Sunsets are always beautiful, but from a temple there’s added sense of solace and spirituality!


A pilgrim or monk in white robes seems to be raising a cup in a toast?

Is there a large city over the hills?


Asher Kelman

OPF Owner/Editor-in-Chief
Thank you again for your comments, Asher ! :)
The man is praying as you can see in the crop bellow. Perhaps at the far end it is a city...
Thanks Antonio,

I can now see that clearly.

It’s interesting that the monk on the right has his hands covered with the fabric of the robe that he is wrapped in. That’s the first time I have seen that.
